When we all come together, we have the power to make the changes we desperately need.
Once we form our union, we will be the ones negotiating our contract and standing up for and with each other. We will elect our own leaders, negotiating committee, and shop stewards.
“We need a union to hold those in charge accountable. Being unionized will provide employees with the protection and quality of life that we deserve.”
— Alex Thurow, Calendering Main Operator
— Augustin Harris, Building Tech
— Bradley White, Calendering Line Lead
“Stand up and stand firm for what you believe in”
— Brandan Cook, Building Technician
“I want company stability and employer accountability. I would like for me and my coworkers to be a part of something with integrity along with the ability to successfully grow.”
— Benjamin Hatcher, QC Operator
“Right now we don’t have a say in the decisions that are made in the plant. I support forming a union so that we have a voice.”
— Brian Bell, Industrial Maintenance Technician
“Having a union gives us a voice to fight for better options in the workplace.”
— Chance Ellison, Finishing Line Lead
“If we want change, we all must come together as one to make it happen!”
— Chris Pearson, Calendering Operator
“There are too many serious accidents in our plant. We deserve to work in a safe environment in order to do our jobs for Hankook.”
— Christel Sanders, Maintenance Apprentice
“I’m doing this so that I can have some control of decisions that are made that affect my life and my family.”
— Cliff Hill, Industrial Maintenance Tech
“I believe we the workers should get a say over pay and benefits.”
— Eric Goralewski, Building Tech
“We spend 12hrs per shift working inside of Hankook. Why not make it the best place to work in Clarksville, TN?”
— Felix Puente, Cutting - Inner Liner
“Unionizing Hankook will not only be better for the employees but also better for the future of the company. As a maintenance technician, my job is made simpler, and general production runs smoother with long-term employees who genuinely understand the machines they work on. How can we achieve employee longevity? Clear pay scales, open communication with management, and quality insurance.”
— Jon Ross, Industrial Maintenance Technician
“A union will make sure our voices are heard.”
— Kathy Langley, Cutting Operator
“We’ve given Hankook 8 years to do right by their employees and they have failed miserably. Enough is enough! It’s time for all of us to look out for our best interests moving forward and that’s forming our union!”
— LaTonya Newberry, QA Inspector.
“I want a union at Hankook because I feel like it will actually provide a voice for the employees to express how they feel.”
— Marcell Allen, QA Inspection Line Lead
“I’m forming a union at Hankook for the betterment and safety of all.”
— Max Keaveney, Finishing Operator
“United we stand, Divided we fall. Union is strength, and together we are strong.”
— Melvin Pace-Johnson, Building Tech
— Mitchell Gold, Beading Operator
“I want a safer work environment, management to be held accountable for not addressing issues when brought to their attention, and paid a living wage.”
— Nicholas Dye-Schaffer, Extruding Operator
“Better safety protocols, Better work environment, and to simply have a voice to be heard.”
— Rachael How, Bead Operator
“We need a union for transparency, fairness, and a peace of mind for job security.”
— Ron Hodge, Line Lead QA -
“I deserve to be adequately paid for the work I’m doing and feel safe doing it.”
— Sam Hadley, Mixing Assistant Operator
“Working together is the key to success in any career or field. Standing together is the best way to ensure that all persons and parties are heard and all concerns are considered. Unionizing is a stepping stone to building the bridges necessary to have equality and fairness throughout the workforce.”
— Steven Alden Rye, Inner Liner Calendering Operator
“I think a union is needed for the employees to have a voice and to get everyone on the same page.”
— Tanisha Terry-Scott, Finishing Inspector
“I want a union at Hankook because it will provide me with more job security.”
—Tatiyana Tramil, QA Visual Inspector
“Having worked at a unionized tire plant at Bridgestone in Lavergne, TN, I know that having a union at Hankook will lead to better pay, better benefits, better safety, and union protection.”
— Tony Carney, Cutting Operator
“We have endured at Hankook for nearly 8 years without our own union, without our voice added to the decision-making process of this company, without a way to ensure equal and fair treatment for US. That changes now!”
— Travis Merritt, QA Visual Inspector